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Celebrating our Working Dads at Allegis Group

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In honor of the upcoming Father’s Day holiday on Sunday, June 16, we celebrate and thank all of the working dads across Allegis Group.

Allegis Group team members shared with us what Father’s Day means to them, what they enjoy most about being a father, and how they plan to celebrate the upcoming holiday.

Happy Father’s Day to all our working dads!

Q: What does Father’s Day mean to you?

Chidi Ohaeri, Corporate Recruiter, Allegis Group: I don’t have a great relationship with my dad, and it’s been like that since I was little. So, from an early age, I knew I wanted to have kids and have much stronger relationships with them. As a new dad with a 5-week-old daughter at home, this Father’s Day signifies a dream come true.

Jerry Lyons, Hardware Technician, Allegis Group: It sounds corny, but to me, Father’s Day is family, love, and happiness

Leaton Harris, Vice President of Career Development, TEKsystems: Now that I am a father, this question has multiple meanings. I’ll address it first as a son: my father, Edward Harris, is without a doubt my hero. He is a master of relationships and he taught me the importance of being able to connect with others. He taught me the importance of never starting trouble, but always finishing it if necessary. He taught me the power of kindness, and that people want to do business with people that they like! I learned these lessons as a child and didn’t really appreciate them until I was older. I realized that every book on leadership or business I was reading was just repeating all the things I had learned from my Dad growing up!

Second, as a father, this is a whole different ball game. The most important job I have on this earth is being a great father. The responsibility of raising two respectful, kind and successful bi-racial children in this deeply divisive world is not easy! The balance of being my children’s friend/confidant/advisor/mentor/ and disciplinarian can be tricky, but I work at being great at it every single day!

Ethan Reese, Product Owner, Allegis Group: I think about my Pop-Pop, who showed me how Dad can be patient and steadfast. I think about my Father-in-Law, who’s shown me how Dad can be industrious and consistent. I think about my own Dad, who’s shown me that Dad can be decisive and gentle at the same time. And then I think about my son; I hope he thinks of me as warmly as I think about the amazing Dads in my life.

Brian Bruchey, Hardware Technician, Allegis Group: I don’t think of Father’s Day just being one day a year. To me, every day is Father’s Day, as I can get up every day and just try my best to take care of my boys and provide for them.

Jeff Baliat, HR Business Partner, Aerotek: My father taught me that life will never be easy, you need to work hard in everything you do, whether its performing at your job or raising your family at home., you will face adversity along the way.  How you overcome the adversity will define who you are as a person (professional and father).  This is what I teach my kids that I hope they remember this as they go through their journey of life.    

Charlie Hall, Business Analyst, Allegis Group: Father’s Day is a day when we reflect on everything our fathers have given us in terms of love (sometimes tough love), support, and guidance throughout our lives. My father is a little John Wayne and a little Clint Eastwood, and I could write many lessons learned from growing up with him on our ranch in Nebraska. What has always been most important to him is being an honest and hardworking person. He instilled that in his three sons and he held us accountable. He also taught us to hold ourselves and each other accountable to making a difference in people’s lives and always putting our families first.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being a father?

Olakunle Arowolo, Manager-Divisional Operations, Aerotek: Easy! I come home, open the door, I get two see my wife and our two little blessings! Gets me fired up every single time!

Eric Myers, Payroll Manager, Allegis Group: The best part of being a father is watching our kids in different stages of their lives grow and blossom into the people they are going to be. I love seeing all the kids with their different personalities and interests experience life and the trials and tribulations associated with it and how they react and how I can help them with their decisions.

Tanveer Dharnia, Technical Recruiter, TEKsystems: Before my child’s birth I was able to attend every midwife appointment, doctor’s appointment, and more importantly support my wife with whatever her needs were during a difficult but rewarding time. During my paternity leave, my colleagues/friends supported my business and made the effort to drive out to the suburbs to drop off a gift basket of necessities for my baby girl. After paternity leave, I am blessed with having a flexible schedule which allows me to see my baby girl and wife at home more often.

Vandy Hill, Business Information Security Officer, Allegis Group: I enjoy everything about being a father, but I would say watching a child grow and develop their own personality is what I enjoy the most. As my children grew older, I was able to sit back and witness what they have learned from me; even when I thought they weren’t listening, they were because I’ve seen it in their actions. When you hear of the kindness, love, and respect they show others, from people you don’t know and when you’re not around, this makes me a very happy father.

Will Wagner, Sales Trainer, TEKsystems: Being a father has helped me bring empathy to what I do, especially in the role I’m in now. As a dad, you put the focus on helping your children grow. In order to do that you have to understand “where they are” and work hard to stay in touch with how they may be feeling. I was not always great at this at both home and work; but over the course of time I have continued to develop this skill.

Brock Hale, Director, Allegis Group: Watching my girls grow up, helping them through the challenges they face, and trying to make them smile every day are the most rewarding parts of being a dad. I hope that I am helping them to be the best they can be by sharing the things I am happy I learned growing up as well as the things I wish I had learned but didn’t grasp until later in my life. If I can accomplish just one little thing to set them up for happy lives, then I feel like I’ve done my job.

Joshua Hollie, Divisional Practice Lead, Aerotek: I love just being around my children, they bring me so much joy. I learn so much through their eyes and perspectives that are invaluable to making me the best father I can be. I love knowing that they love my unconditionally no matter what and knowing that make me want to be my best in everything I do. It drives me to want to succeed in Life/Work/Marriage/Friendship/Family.

Richard Overstreet, Project Coordinator, Allegis Group:My son is 18 months old, so every day he is learning something new, and that experience by itself is AMAZING.

How do you balance work and family?

Jerry Lyons: We just had a baby on April 27th, so it’s a little challenging right now, but I’m very lucky to have support both at home and at work.

Vandy Hill: It all starts with leadership. I’ve been blessed because Allegis believes in family first and has leaders who really stressed a work-life balance. This made not only my family life so much easier but also my work life because they showed me that they care not only about me but about my family as well.

Will Wagner: What I’ve learned is to not burn up on re-entry. I heard this years ago from a friend when I started to travel. This advice fits any role. We have a lot coming at us every day in this job. Dealing with people can be both rewarding and frustrating. Letting too much creep into your thoughts when you pull in the driveway takes you away from what’s most important. Tackle what you need to at work, leave it in the garage and be present at home.

Chidi Ohaeri: It’s not always easy, but I’ve noticed that prioritizing things is important. When I’m at work, I try to stay focused on the work in front of me so I can get home as planned each day, and when I’m at home, I set work aside so I can focus on my family. Ultimately, I try to bring passion and energy when I go into work and when I get to go home and be with me family.

Joshua Hollie: My team and Aerotek partners have always make me feel good and that I’m making the right decision to put my family 1st in all things in my life. My team and I have always recognized that I am Father 1st to my children and that its ok to have to adjust my schedule to accommodate the responsibilities to being the best father I can. I love the ability to do drop off every morning and the leave when we they need my support no matter what.

Richard Overstreet: Allegis Group is my extended family, and they provide time to be a husband/father as well as grow as an employee to better provide service to the company and my family.

Leaton Harris: The advice I would give to anyone that is currently a working dad or considering becoming a working dad is to have great communication with your loved ones. Open communication regarding goals and expectations, including deep, heartfelt conversations regarding the “why” behind everything that you do. When communication is high, everyone is on the same page and any unforeseen adversity can be handled with ease.

Brian Bruchey: Once I leave work for the day, it’s all about them: taking them to baseball practices and games, helping them with their homework, letting them help us make dinner, and reserving the weekends for movie nights.

Charles Hall: My wife and I will start by celebrating our fathers who live in Colorado and Minneapolis. Then, this year we are starting a new tradition of spending Father’s Day at the beach together. My wife, all three of our kids, my oldest daughter’s husband, his parents, and our granddaughter will all be there. We plan to swim, play games, grill, and just spend time together for a few days. I’m really looking forward to this year!

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