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Sharpen Your Vision into the Workforce Supply

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Data analytics play an important role in all facets of business, and talent acquisition is no exception. New technologies enable employers to bring together data from disparate sources and use that information to make informed decisions about everything from compensation, the best geographies for available skills, timelines, and what type of work model is best for a role.

Rising to the Challenge of a Changing Workforce

The challenge is that incomplete data can lead to missed opportunities or ineffective strategies. For example, a company may have visibility into the marketplace for external talent and use that information to hone the pay rate for a role to achieve a desired recruiting result. At the same time, without a view of its talent supply, that organization may have missed a current employee or contractor who would have been a better fit, with none of the costs or time requirements of an external recruiting effort. To be truly effective, a company’s view into the workforce supply must encompass both available known workers and a view into the external market for talent.

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Visibility Into Available Known Talent

Historically, hiring managers have had limited insight into the availability of talent who fit a given set of job requirements. Information about current employees, contractors, contingent workers, and freelancers who have worked for or are known to the organization is distributed across many silos of information — whether in HR, a departmental database, or the systems of a staffing or talent solutions partner.

By bringing data into one environment, innovative technologies can provide the hiring manager or talent solutions partner with access to a complete universe of data, connecting the employer to the best possible talent for a role, whether a current employee, contingent worker, contractor, or prospect in a candidate database.

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Visibility into the External Market

Combined with a view to all known workers and prospects, organizations can now use solutions to gain detailed knowledge of the external market for talent. A complete solution analyzes job descriptions, provides information on the talent supply by location, and delivers insight on compensation or bill rates by skills for the location. The result is a view into the external market for talent that can provide an objective basis for determining where to hire or engage talent, the costs associated with that talent, and the potential timelines for acquiring the right worker.

Today’s Workforce Trends Requires a Commitment to Three Priorities

To learn more about how employers can provide the most compelling option for any worker to remain onboard and grow their skills and value as a part of the organization, get your copy of Allegis Group’s research report, “Global Workforce Trends 2018,” which is available for immediate, free download.

In addition to addressing the need to improve vision into the workforce supply, the report tackles two other strategies companies must commit to in order to achieve recruitment and retention success: boosting talent acquisition effectiveness and protecting the critical talent in the organization. In addition, readers will gain insight into trends for select countries across North America, the U.K. and mainland Europe, as well as the Asia-Pacific region, providing an understanding of best practices and strategic priorities that leading companies address to stay ahead. Download your free copy today.

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