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Tossing Aside Traditional Roles in Favor of Father First, Valuable Employee Second

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Traditional gender roles designate fathers as breadwinners and mothers as caretakers. However, this labeling system is no longer standard. Today, working fathers are blurring once rigid gender roles by taking on more responsibility at home. They’re driving carpool, attending to business at work, and returning home in time for a family dinner. In the process, working dads remain just as focused on their careers, winning at work AND at home, as employees across the Allegis Group companies can attest.

“Put your family first. Work will always be there when you get back,” urges Scott Wagner, information systems manager for Allegis Group’s Enterprise Data and Analytics team. Many fathers share Wagner’s perspective, realizing that memories with their children are irreplaceable and carving out time to create them while they can.

For Aerotek Implementation Project Manager Robert Barsamian, his greatest memory is a father-daughter dance at his child’s school. “We danced until our feet hurt and laughed all night long,” he says. “Personally, the most rewarding aspect of fatherhood is watching this young individual develop a personality and passion for life. Interests are formed, dislikes are developed, and my ability as a father to encourage, coach, mentor, and discipline helps enhance her desire to succeed, and in turn, develops and mentors me to strive for more.”

Jonathan Nash, an EASi recruiter for energy and utilities and father of six agrees, noting, “Fatherhood is a privilege, a real blessing. The responsibility of raising a child – a little you – is the most rewarding aspect. It’s not to be taken lightly and is what I call, ‘the best stress in the world.’”

Companies like Allegis Group are responding to working fathers’ desires for flexible and family-friendly employment, including remote work options or reduced work hours.

“Sounds simple, but I’m at a point where my son can say ‘Dad’ and run up and hug me every day when I get home,” says Matthew McGuire, senior account recruiting manager for Aston Carter. “This is usually the best part of my day and reminds me of why I work so hard.”

Joe Hargrove II, regional human resources manager at TEKsystems experiences similar joy, noting, “On a daily basis when I pick my son up from daycare or come home from work, he runs to me and is extremely excited to see me. It’s truly an experience that I enjoy daily.”

Such moments are possible because “the Allegis Group culture values employees’ families and believes they are an integral part of our success,” adds Dhiraj Gupta of Allegis Global Solutions. “While work is critical, leadership is always willing to provide you flexibility when needed to attend to family matters. I am grateful to be part of the Allegis Group family. I started as a recruitment relationship manager six years ago and am a senior account director for recruitment process outsourcing today, which speaks to how being a “family man” is no way a hindrance to your progression with the organization.”

Vice President of Commercial Client Services at MarketSource Damon Joshua agrees with the need to be present at work and at home, saying, “It’s very difficult to be a good dad if you have no impact on your children’s lives. MarketSource allows the flexibility to balance our lives.”

The Allegis Group companies also create opportunities for children to visit their fathers in the workplace. Many offices recently hosted an annual event called Take your Child to Work Day. Managing Partner at Major, Lindsey & Africa Darin Morgan, Esq. recalls, “The dads and children had an office lunch in the conference room. It was great, and participation was encouraged so our kids could see what we do all day.”

While parents typically play the teacher role with their children, sometimes the roles reverse. Sreejith Nambiar, Oracle DBA for Allegis Group, believes fatherhood shaped him into who he is today. “Being a father has made me appreciate the finer things in life. It has helped me win my battles with a human touch and given me work-life balance,” he notes.

Allegis Group Product Owner Stephen Hill has also gained valuable insights from his children. “For me, the most rewarding aspect of fatherhood is being able to grasp this concept: clarity of purpose. I did not fully understand what clarity of purpose was until I became a parent,” he says.

As unpredictable and crazy as it may be, the gifts of fatherhood can be given and received. “My two teenagers have brought a wide range of experiences and emotions, yet it’s been so rewarding to see them become more independent over the years,” said Travis Sheetz, regional controller for Major, Lindsey & Africa and Allegis Partners.

Honoring Working Dads

In honor of Father’s Day, we wanted to capture impressions from some of the dads making a difference every day across Allegis Group companies and at home. Here’s what a few of them have to say about fatherhood as we approach this well-deserved holiday.

Q: What is your most impactful memory with your children or father?

Hargrove II: The most impactful memory I share with my son is his walking journey. We worked on walking every night. When he finally took his first steps, I was the proudest dad ever! Seeing this little guy grasp what is taught is amazing each time it happens.

Nambiar: The birth of my children changed everything. I remember every moment of it with my heart pounding and my brain processing the babies crying. At that moment, I realized that their birth was the only lottery on Earth that makes you work harder after you win.

Wagner: My favorite memories with my children are coaching their various sports teams. I love teaching them the value of commitment and teamwork, seeing them experience new things, and watching them grow into independent, thoughtful young adults. With my father, I cherish times spent in the woods or on a trout stream.

Q: In some workplaces, employees worry about portraying themselves as highly involved parents. How is Allegis Group different?

Barsamian: Being the best version of yourself at work requires you to be fulfilled not just through the work you accomplish but through our personal lives, as well. It’s all about the “Power of And.” My leadership knows that I have control of my workload. I’ll complete my promises and commitments, which gives me the autonomy to manage my schedule. 

McGuire: I am a family man, and I have never tried to hide that. Our team embraces family life and high performance in the office. Our environment is one where my wife and son will drop by on Fridays just to say hello.

Nash: When I first started, I was a contractor in Phoenix. Even back then, I had a ton of flexibility for everything from appointments and birthdays. My three oldest children visited me one summer, and my manager told me to leave early so I could spend time with them. That manager still keeps in touch, checking in on my kids and wife. Living life in the military and working at other companies, it’s clear that you don’t get support like this just anywhere. Even now as a recruiter, my manager knows the names of each of my six kids. How amazing is that?

Sheetz: I have always felt the support from the organization and those I’ve worked with to be the best father I can be. 

Wagner: I’ve been fortunate to have managers who allow me the flexibility to devote time to my kids. Spending time raising your kids is the most important thing you can do in life.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would share other dads?

Barsamian: I travel a lot, so I’ve worked hard to ensure my daughter knows that there will be sporting events and class trips that I may miss from time to time, but I will never miss the opportunity to show genuine interest in those events and share in the celebration or memories through her. Every night on my way home (from the office or the airport), I remind myself that a daughter’s first hero is her father, and consider how I show up when I walk through the door. This self-reflection has helped me survive the changing landscape of fatherhood.

Gupta: Always talk to your kids about how their day went and share highlights of your day. When traveling, try to send pictures to them, so they feel connected. Finally, life is short. Make the most of the every moment you have with them.

Hill: Make sure you spend time with each child individually. As a father of four, I have learned to have a healthy mix of things we do as a family and opportunities for one-on-one time. While I cherish the moments we have when we are all together, some of my fondest memories come from those special “just me and dad” trips and events.

Joshua: Your kids don’t need any more best friends. They need a dad to show them how to make it in this world. They may not understand all of the reasons why you do what you do, but they will appreciate all of the nutrients you showered on them while they grew.

McGuire: For the new dads, hang in there. The first 90 days are tough, but it gets better and couldn’t be more fun after that! Don’t be afraid to leave the house when they are super young. You can still do fun stuff. You just may have a high chair with you at brunch. Work-life balance is tough. I like to think of it as work-life harmony to ensure I’m giving my best to everyone when I can. Take time off and spend it with your family when you can, but make sure you don’t drop off in your day job.

Morgan: Be prepared to think about your kids and their needs before your own and embrace it. Eventually, the kids will grow up and move out, and you can focus on yourself and your interests again, but you want to be able to look yourself and them in the eyes and say that you have done everything you can do give them a great life and a focused, involved father.

Nash: Be flexible! Be open. Don’t be afraid to be afraid. There is no manual for this. You can plan all you want, but there is no way to plan for everything. Most importantly, don’t forget that you can always connect with other parents and never hesitate to ask for help.

Whether you’re called father, dad, or daddy today, we celebrate you. Keep up the good work and enjoy your special day filled with love, laughter, and appreciation. Happy Father’s Day to all the super dads out there!

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